Saturday, February 12, 2011

You know these days a lot pastors just preach love love love love.  Ya know what I think BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH!!  God is not just love!  But don't get me wrong God love's us.  In fact God love's us enough to send his son Jesus to die for us.  So yes he loves us but that's not all it is.  God also wants us to fear him and you can't just say that your going to heaven because he's a God of love.  He's also a jealous God who wants you to trust him!  To believe him!  To do what he tells you to do and nothing else!  To read the Bible and believe every single word of it! 

You know being a Christan's a lot more than going to church every week.  Being a Christain is a lot more than just believing God even the DEVILS know there's a God!!!  Being a Christan is trusting God, believing God, obeying God, And doing what ever God tells you to do!  Being a Christan is surrendering your entire life to to Jesus Christ Gods son!!! 

So think about this don't just ignore this because this is the most important decision you will ever make to follow God or to not follow God.

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