Monday, March 26, 2012

What Music is Good Music?

    What music is good music?  Should I be listening to secular music, or christian music?  Is this band christian, they say they are but I never hear about God, or Jesus in they're songs?  What genre is okay?  Rap, metal, rock, pop, light rock, or should I stick to churchy hymns?

    The answer is, if it's okay between you and God then fine.  If it doesn't get in the way of you're relationship with God then okay.  And if you think that God has a problem with it, if you feel uncomfortable listening to it then get rid of it!  Read your bible talk, or talk to God about it.  You could even ask a friend what they're opinion is. 

    Ultimately it's between you and God, but if you want some advice I'll give you some.  I think you should be careful with rock music, but I do enjoy certain songs in that genre (although I don't like the bands/artists altogether.)  I don't think think you can go wrong with a little christian rap.  I really enjoy Lecrae and Trip Lee just take a look at their testimony and their ministry.  As for hymns well of all the hymns I know I can't think of anything wrong with them.  I think that they are very glorifying to God, and just beautiful and true altogether.  Now for secular music I just try to be careful.  I don't think that any of that is glorifying to God, but I don't think that it's all bad.  There are some good secular country songs, rock songs etc.
    So it's all between you and God.  Just don't let it become your life.